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Do this fun craft with your kids for 4 July!
You will need some colored rice (here is how we make ours), paper or cardboard, craft glue, earbuds / qtips and a tray so that the rice is contained.
We started out by making the square and spreading the glue evenly with the ear bud. make sure you add a few white rice grains for the stars among the blue rice. It is a pain to add later.
Cover with the rice and pat gently to make sure all is sticking in the glue. Gently lift the paper and let the loose grains slide off. Next, make the glue strips for the red. Add the red color rice, pat, lift paper to remove extras. For the white strip I used the ear bud to spread the glue further so that there was not too much empty space.
And there you have it, A Color Rice American Flag!
Of course you will have some rice left over, so why not make some fireworks too!! (Spread the glue in a pattern, sprinkle rice, pat, lift paper to remove extra.)
Little hands are always eager to help! My 2 year old left his painting to come see what the 4 year old and I were up to 🙂
Have a good 4 July!!
Cindy deRosier says
I’m the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your flag project! You can see it here:
If you have other kid-friendly crafts, we’d love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!
Kriss MacDonald says
We just moved last year from UK to US so this will be fun way for my kids to learn the US flag.
[email protected] says
loving the fireworks! would love if you shared this on our #kidsinthekitchen linky this week
Karyn says
This is really great!!! I love it!
Victoria from the Busy House Big Heart says
Canada Day is July 1st. It is less work to make crafts for this day because we are just red and white haha. However, it takes a little effort to get the maple leaf right!