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Welcome to playful preschool on this lovely Wednesday morning!
This weeks theme is SNOWMEN. Please be sure to check out the extra activities at the bottom of my post from my fellow bloggers. Remember you can follow the hashtag #playfulpreschool across all social media.
For our snowman theme I decided to raid the spice draw.
To make this delicious smelling snowman you will need:
- Playdough – I used my usual cooked playdough recipe except where the recipe called for veg oil I used coconut oil instead. No colors are added.
- Gather various whole spices. I have clove, cinnamon, anise and various other interesting looking shapes. Optional raisins.
- Use an activity tray to help define activity space if you have more than one child. This trick works great on my 3.
My playdough didn’t come out as white as snow but it was still plain enough for the kids to enjoy making a snowman with all the whole spices.
I had all 3 kids in on this activity. Even my activity reluctant 4 year old come to play. He was more interested in removing and destructing the snowman than building. But if it helps him actually interact with his siblings while doing an activity I am all for it. Small steps.
My 2 year old decided snowman building was not her thing and landed up making a pin cushion of a ball of playdough by sticking ALL the cloves in it. Great fine motor skills. Yip.
My 5 year old made some great models though.
I am going to re-use this playdough this coming week and add a bit of color. I wonder what the kids would like to build. mmm
Pin this quick kitchen snowman for later!
Even More PLAYful Preschool Snowman Activities:
Snowman Literacy Activities for Preschool:
- Snowman Mitten Match Alphabet Activity by Growing Book by Book
- Snowman Vocabulary Activities for Preschool by The Educators’ Spin On It
- Snowman at Night-Preschool Craft by Capri + 3
Snowman Math Activities for Preschool:
- Snowman Peg and Count by Rainy Day Mum
Snowman Sensory and Creative Exploration Activities for Preschool:
- Make a Snowman from Things in the Kitchen! by Powerful Mothering
- Melted Snowman Painting by Learning 2 Walk
- Build a Snowman Indoors by Mom Inspired Life
- Baked Cotton Ball Snowman Craft by Still Playing School
- Build a Snowman Creativity Prompt by Raising Lifelong Learners
Snowman Snack Ideas:
- Do you wanna Build a Snowman,Treat! by Tiny Tots Adventures
- Snowman Snack Ideas by Fun-A-Day
Jodie @ Growing Book by Book says
Such a great idea for using things you already have on hand. Plus, it’s a wonderful sensory experience.
Colleen Kessler says
Mmmmm… This probably smelled fantastic. What great sensory play. Thanks for the idea!
Theresa says
That is a great invitation to build a snowman. Our kids would be very excited to try it. I have never seen cloves that big before. They are beautiful. I am curious as to where you found them.
Nicolette Roux says
In the local supermarket 😀
Danielle says
That’s a really clever way to use spices! Very cool sensory experience, for sure. And great for fine motor skills!
Natasha says
I bet the house smelled great after this play. I love raiding the spice drawer to play.
Amanda says
Ooh, I bet he smells wonderful!