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I love simple activities! I whole heartedly believe that kids can have fun without spending a fortune. You just have know where to look to get inspiration if you, like me, run a bit dry in that department.
Today I am very excited to share one of my fellow kids activity bloggers (’s new book!
I give you 101 Kids Activities!
Our book arrived last week after a long journey to Ecuador. My 3 year old in his own fashion dived right in. He seems to love activity books! I managed to snap this picture of evidence. It makes me giggle.
There were 3 activities that we were very eager to try out but I settled for the simplest of the simplest and the very first activity in the book. A Baggie Maze.
For this activity you will need:
- straws
- a bead or marble
- cardboard
- one large zip lock bag
- some kind of glue (I used the glue gun)
Measure and cut your cardboard to fit in your zip lock bag. Next Plan out your maze and cut the straws to suit a maze like pattern.
Use your glue to glue down the straws in place. The glue gun worked nice and fast.
Once everything is glued down slip the cardboard maze into the zip lock bag.
Add your bead or marble and have fun moving it from the top to the bottom then rotating the zip lock and doing it again!
My 2 year old was most interested where as my 5 year old helped me make it. For little ones that open zip lock bags I suggest using duct tape to seal the bag.
There you have it. A oh so simple boredom buster, which we made at 6:30 am!
The rest of the 101 Kids activities look very do-able and promise to be fun filled!
101 Kids Activities is available on amazon, Barnes and noble and a bunch of other places. Grab your copy today and get playing! You will not be disappointed!
Fiftarina says
Love this! Can:to wait to try