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In Canada, we have the most beautiful snow-covered winters. White fluffy snow blankets everything; it’s such a magnificent sight! When it is too cold to play outside, we do lots of activities and crafts inside. Recently, my daughter has been playing with her bears, so I took this opportunity to teach her about hibernation with a hibernation craft.
We made a bear cave out of a tissue box and some cotton balls, tissue, thick paper towels, and cut up out shirts. We also created our own little bears using old, dried coffee grinds.
Materials Needed for Bear Hibernation Craft:
- Old tissue box (cut into half) or a square tissue box
- Tissue paper, cotton balls, or hand paper (anything white to represent snow)
- Old shirt, blanket, or towel
- Glue
- Bear template
- Dried coffee grinds
My daughter truly loved gluing all the different textures to construct our snow-covered caves. As she touched each material we discussed the different textures; soft, rough and smooth. Once the cave was completely covered with “snow”, we started decorating the inside cave. I explained, that during winter it gets very cold and the bears need to keep warm; therefore we need to put lots of “blankets”(cut-up old shirts). My daughter couldn’t put enough material inside; she was really wanted to make sure the bears were warm!
To make our bears, I drew a bear onto a thick piece of paper and had my daughter glue it on the dried coffee grinds. My daughter loved the texture of the grinds, but she didn’t really like the smell!
Once it dried she enjoyed playing with the bear and its cave.
We sang some songs to go along with her:
(sung to the tune of Allouette, Gentille Allouette)
Hibernation time for hibernation
Hibernation time go to sleep
(sung to Are You Sleeping Brother John)
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Little bear
Little bear
Winter time is coming
Winter time is coming
Go to sleep
Go to sleep
Such a fun hibernation craft to play with again and again. Are your children fascinated by hibernation, too?
About the Author:
Dara Greenspoon lives in Montreal, Canada with her husband and two-year-old daughter. Currently, Dara is a stay-at-home mother but was a preschool teacher for ten years before giving birth. Her passion for children is tremendous and she loves creating different activities with her daughter to share with everyone.
This post is by contributor Dara!
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