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I remember, when I was a child, absolutely loving spirit days. Twin day, pajama day, and of course opposite day. This excitement can be felt at home too, with these fun opposite day ideas. These printables are full of fun ideas to help encourage children to be creative and have fun in an opposite way.
Opposite Day Ideas
Opposite day is a day where everything is backwards. When I was growing up, we wore our clothes backwards, we wore mismatched shoes, we ate with spoons instead of forks and wrote with our left hand (if we were right handed). It was simple yet SO MUCH FUN.
Switching a few things from normal life to a bit more exciting, even just for one day.
Prepping these activities is so extremely simple. You just need to print them.
This Opposite Day idea is Bingo and it is a fun, all day activity. You can use this as a guide of things you can do in the opposite ways or fill it out at the end of the day and see what you accomplished. If you can mark off 5 in a row, in any direction, you get a BINGO!
Try Our Counting Popsicles Activity
This Opposite Day idea is a scavenger hunt is a great way to explore opposites. Children can search for opposites in their world around them. A dry towel and a wet towel, something quiet and something loud, etc. This is a fabulous way to help children really understand the idea of opposites.
The third, and final, Opposite Day idea is the Challenge Cards, or prompt cards. These are a fantastic way to help children see opposites in multiple forms. Things are backwards or not the way they are meant to be, that is an opposite. Can you just hear the giggles as children try to write with socks on their hands??
Some of these activities are perfect for the classroom too. Maybe not all, but they can give you inspiration.
I love these activities and I can’t wait to see the smiles on my children’s face as they act silly all day long!
You might also like our 100 Counting Activities!
Heidi Snyder says
Hello, I love the idea of these printables but I cannot figure out how to download/print them. Can someone please tell me how to print them? Thanks!
Ashley says
I’m glad you like the printables, but I’m sorry you’re having issues with the download. If you find the word download and two arrows it points to a box. You’ll enter your email in the box and click download. This should start your download. I hope this helps!