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{Contributed by: Marcela De Vivo}
Thanks largely in part to Pinterest, we’re becoming much more “crafty” than we might have been several years ago as a society.
Coupling that with a strong cultural push to sustainability, we’re learning how to take old, unused or unwanted items found in our home and, instead of throwing them away, we are turning them into something entirely different.
Perhaps there is nothing better suited for this kind of activity than an old cardboard box.
Cardboard, aside from its ability to house other objects or function as a gift box, has little or no value, at least on the surface; however, a little bit of creativity and ingenuity can help make your cardboard boxes useful for a lot more than just packaging.
Since crafts don’t usually have to be particularly heavy-duty, cardboard works well because it’s usually readily available, and stronger than paper.
You can use cardboard to solidify other crafts, or create something on its own. What you’re able to create will depend on your own mind and creative abilities, so your options are wide-open, particularly if you have young kids.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
1. Cardboard Guitars — We’ve all seen it done before, but usually with an empty tissue box and some rubber bands. If you have the time on your hands, you can use cardboard to make a small decorative guitar, or a hollow one that will work with the rubber band idea.
If your son or daughter likes guitar (or even just music), this can make a lovely decorative item for their room, on a mantle or on a bookshelf. We love what Red Ted Art has done theirs!
2. Cardboard Mailbox — You wouldn’t use this as your actual mailbox, but again, if you have kids, this can be a fun and engaging toy for them to play with. Pay attention to what kinds of games your kids play— chances are that you can work a toy mailbox in there somewhere. Check out this cute DIY Cardboard Mailbox from The Busy Budgeting Mama!
3. Organizing Baskets — If you take pieces of cardboard, fit them together and wrap them in material with a nice color or pattern, you can create organization “baskets” that will actually look every bit as nice as what you would find in a store.
This particular project may take a bit of time, but it can be done. In the end, you’ll have more than just a toy— you’ll have a decorative organizational item that you can actually put to good use. Have a look at these DIY Cereal Box Drawer Dividers from IHeart Organizing just gorgeous!
4. Homemade Toys — Like we’ve already mentioned with the mailbox, try and create small (or large) toys that will fit in well with the activities that your kids already participate in. For instance, if you notice your children playing with their toy stove a lot, maybe add some cardboard pots and pans, or even “cookie sheets”.
Cookie sheets, you’ve got to admit, would be pretty easy.
5. Cardboard Box Shelves – Have a few of similar sized boxes hanging around? Make a toy shelf! Here are the steps to make your own DIY Cardboard Box Shelves.
6. Draw – Drawing on a huge sheet of cardboard can be so much fun. Make a scene or just doodle, the sound of drawing on the cardboard with wax crayons is also very appealing to kids!
Being Creative
If you spend enough time on Pinterest and other craft sites, or think about it long enough, you can find a use for just about everything in your home— gift boxes, paper towel rolls, empty water bottles, coffee cans, candy jars, etc.
Since you probably already have a lot of cardboard on hand, try and come up with some ways to be creative and make use of it. Even if you can’t make something that you can use, your kids are going to be far easier to please and entertain, even if it doesn’t last long.
Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer in California whose writing covers everything from DIY and home improvement, to health and fitness, to marketing and tech. With three children of her own, she is always finding new ways to keep them entertained. Find more DIY tips by following her on Facebook and Twitter.
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