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The Health Benefits of Carrot Juice:
Ever wondered what’s in a glass of carrot juice, and what the health benefits of carrot juice are?
The following are great health benefits of carrot juice:
1. Helps to cleanse the liver
2. Boost the immune system
3. Fights bronchitis
4. Fights infections keeping cell membranes healthy
5. Heals minor wounds
6. Improves muscle, flesh and skin health
7. Stabilizes blood sugar, helping to eliminate the risk of diabetes
8. One pint of fresh carrot juice per day has more constructive value and benefits than 25 pounds of calcium tablets taken together.
9. Enhances the quality of mother’s milk while breastfeeding
10. Increases vigor and vitality in the body, especially with regards to sexual impotency
11. Maintain and improves bone structure of the teeth
12. Is one of the best remedies for teenage acne.
In one cup of carrot juice:
-686% of your daily need of Vit. A!
– High amounts of Vitamin K, Vitamin C & Fibre
Top nutrients in carrot juice:
- Beta Carotene – this is what makes the carrot juice orange. It is converted by your liver into Vitamin.A! Best known for it’s role as an antioxidant.
- Vitamin A – improves eyesight. It, like Beta Carotene, is also an antioxidant, prevents cancer & other degenerative diseases. It decreases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. It promotes the growth of bones & teeth. Helps in resisting infections.
- Carrot juice contains an astounding 490 phytochemicals, all of which help the body to function better. These phytochemicals are natural plant substances found in fruits, vegetables & nuts, which provide great benefits to human health. Phytochemicals are now being hailed as being as important as vitamins. These, along with all of the other nutrients found in carrots, make them essential to the diet.
Pregnancy benefits of Vitamin A in carrot juice:
Especially necessary in a pregnant mother’s diet, to build up & maintain the health of both mom and baby. Include carrot juice in your diet while pregnant to ensure you get this extra health boost!
Breastfeeding benefits of Vitamin A in carrot juice:
Adds quality to breastmilk, and provides all of the above benefits, as breast milk has a high concentration of Vitamin A. Add carrot juice to your diet when breast feeding, to ensure you and your baby benefit from this nutrient-packed juice!
Getting started
Introducing carrot juice into your lifestyle is quick and easy to do. It takes a few minutes to wash and peel your carrots, and in no time they’re juiced & in a tall glass with ice, ready for you and your family to drink. Fresh carrot juice is packed with nutritional awesomeness, so get started with juicing today!
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